Import Voice Recordings to Medallia Speech


Medallia® Speech enables fast transcriptions and powerful analytics of voice recordings to surface customer pain points. By analyzing every call, you can understand financial impact, improve processes, and train agents better. Since it’s part of the Medallia Experience Cloud, voice insights are combined with other channels for a complete, rich review of your customers’ journey.

Use of Medallia Speech is a two-part interaction:

  • Stage your recording files to Medallia Media File Transfer; and then
  • Publish the recording metadata to the Medallia Speech API to begin processing.

In this guide, we’re going to review how to use both to successfully import data with Medallia Speech.


Medallia Speech is a paid subscription feature of the Medallia Experience Cloud. Contact your Medallia representative for additional information about how to add it to your subscription.

Access credentials and other settings referenced below are shared when Medallia Speech is provisioned on your instance. If you need help, contact Support or your Medallia representative.

Medallia Media File Transfer

Medallia Media File Transfer (MMFT) is a highly-scalable S3-based storage mechanism hosted inside Medallia’s data centers. MMFT is used to stage recordings inside Medallia’s data centers prior to processing.

While it is S3-based, there are a few notable differences from other S3 implementations:

  • The S3 endpoint URL must be specified. For Medallia, this is https://filestash.[dc].medallia.[tld], where [dc] is the data center abbreviation of the Medallia instance (ex: sc4, sea1, syd1, etc.) and [tld] is the top-level domain of the Medallia instance (ex: can, com,, eu, etc.); and

  • The S3 region is always us-east-1, regardless of the Medallia data center.

For the purposes of this guide, we will use the AWS SDK for Java 2.x, an open-source library published by Amazon Web Services as an industry-standard reference. (Medallia has no affiliation with Amazon Web Services, and use of their AWS SDK should be made under its published guidelines and rules.)

Transferring the Recording File

We start by instantiating the S3 client with the MMFT-specific settings applied. Next, the recording file can be transferred using a standard S3 PutObject request. The below shows how to achieve this sequence:

final S3Client s3 = S3Client.builder()
    .endpointOverride(new URI(options.getEndpoint()))


export MMFT_URL=""
export MMFT_BUCKET="..."
export MMFT_ACCESS_KEY="..."
export MMFT_SECRET_KEY="..."

export AUDIO_FILE="audio_recording.mp4"
export CONTENT_TYPE="application/octet-stream"
export NOW=$(date -R)

export METHOD="PUT"

export SIGNATURE=$(echo -en ${PLAINTEXT} | openssl sha1 -hmac ${MMFT_SECRET_KEY} -binary | base64)

curl \
	-X ${METHOD} \
	-T "${AUDIO_FILE}" \
	-H "Date: ${date}" \
	-H "Content-Type: ${CONTENT_TYPE}" \
	-H "Authorization: AWS ${MMFT_ACCESS_KEY}:${SIGNATURE}"
# Set your S3 credentials provided by Medallia
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="..."

# Use this region for all data centers
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1"

# Set the Medallia Media File Transfer endpoint
export MMFT_URL=""

# Set the MMFT bucket name
export MMFT_BUCKET="..."

aws \
	--endpoint-url ${MMFT_URL} \
	s3 cp \
		recording.wav \

The key used with the S3 PutObject call should also be used for the speech_file_name parameter in the metadata in a later step.


Use scalable naming convention for your keys

Organize files in your MMFT bucket with a readiness towards future expansions by adding prefixes to your keys.

Consider natural organization levels, such as by recording capture source or contact center or division/group. Multiple levels may also be employed.

Example: division/contact-center/source/recording.wav


S3 PutObject vs Multipart Uploads

Amazon recommends using a multipart upload for transferring large files (~100+ MB) to an S3 endpoint. At the time of this writing, the AWS SDK for Java v1 contained a TransferManager to assist with this; however, the AWS SDK for Java v2 has not yet implemented this functionality. If you notice upload problems, we recommend either downgrading to the v1 library or implementing multipart uploads yourself using the v2 library.

Medallia Speech API

The Medallia Speech API ingests metadata associated with the recording files uploaded to MMFT and initiates processing of those files through Medallia’s transcription and analytics engines.

Multiple records may be published in a single request. The processing is asynchronous, but initial job status is returned by the API. A job is in one of three states: ACCEPTED, PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED, or REJECTED. An accepted or rejected status indicates that the status applies to all records; a partially accepted status returns a list of the individual records from the request along with further details.

There are four required metadata parameters and many other optional ones. The following example shows the required parameters:

public class SpeechRecordMetadata {

    private String callIdentifier;

    private String speechFileName;

    private String unitIdentifier;

    private String callDateAndTime;



Full details, including the optional parameters, can be found at the Speech API overview.

Publishing to the Speech API is then a simple HTTP POST:

public SpeechPublishResults publish(
        final List<SpeechRecordMetadata> page,
        final MecApiOptions mecApi
) {
    final WebClient webClient = ...;

    return webClient
        // Build the request
        // Get the results from the Medallia Speech API
        // Retry if needed
        // Block until the call is done
curl \
	"${API_GATEWAY}/speech/v0/bulk-ingest" \
	-X PUT \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	--data-binary '[
			"call_identifier": "1182293942",
			"speech_file_name": "audio_recording.mp4",
			"unit_identifier": "wm_advisor_1",
			"call_date_and_time": "2021-03-24T13:02:00Z",
			"call_recording_url": "",
			"vertical_model": "Call Center",
			"locale": "en-US",
			"apply_diarization": "No",
			"agent_channel": "0",
			"substitutions": "{\"appeal box\":\"a PO box\",\"triple A batteries\":\"AAA batteries\"}",
			"apply_redaction": "no",
			"first_name": "Jane",
			"last_name": "Perry",
			"email": "",
			"phone_number": "555-555-5555"


This guide explained how to import data to Medallia Speech through the Medallia Media File Transfer service and the Speech API.

Medallia has published a Java-based reference implementation at medallia/speech-api-reference-implementation. The reference provides a command-line based mechanism for accomplishing all the steps outlined in this document. Using it, you can transfer recording files to MMFT and publish metadata to Medallia Speech.